Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Saving Coral Reefs!!!

With coral reefs in danger, it's a good thing to look out, and be aware of things that may harm coral reefs. Adopting a coral reef can save thousands of animals per year. THere is one good site where you can buy a acre of coral reefs. The site is
For every acre you buy, you will be able to save a billion planktons, 200,000 feather duster worms, 20, 000 shrimps, 800 damselfishes, 500 sponges, 50 seastars, 30 parrotfishes, 10 lobsters, 1 barracuda, 1 blacktip shark, 1 tiger shark, and a green turtle. All of these animals are in great danger and they need your help! For only $50 per acre, you can be saving billions of animals. Now is the time to help coral reefs!!!

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